Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Six Months!

Just a quick note to record AM's stats from the doctor's office this morning. Drumroll please.........she was a whopping 18 lb. 3 oz. and 27 in. long! Yep! She's a growing girl, that's for sure. Both of those numbers were 90% so Dr. Williams was really pleased. She said she is the right weight for her height. I knew she was getting heavier but I didn't realize she was that big! Poor thing, she had 5 shots today. She was supposed to get 7 but since she has to go back in 30 days to get the second half of her flu shots we are going to do 2 of the others then. She was a really good sport. She cried when they gave the shots but was fine just a minute later. Maybe it helped that Daddy was there today!

I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful weather, it's great! Sorry I don't have any pictures for today. Hopefully I can get the video camera to upload to the computer soon. (We just got a new computer so maybe it will work on it!)


The Allgood Family said...

5 shots? Yuck! What do they get at six months? She is so cute. Can' wait to see ya'll again!

Brittny said...

I just had to check Sophie's to compare b/c I was thinking she and AM were about the same. Well, they were in length, but Sophie was 21.1 lbs.! bigger than I'd been thinking she was. I thought she was 19 lbs! No wonder I was so tired! Can't wait to see you next month. C is dying to hold her.