Monday, August 15, 2011

Big Sister!

Anne Morgan is full of funny things these days. She has taken to being a big sister much faster than I expected and she is so proud! One of the cutest things that she is now doing is putting herself to bed. She has always been good about going to bed. Lately she will go to her room with all of her stuffed animals and dolls and let us tuck her in, kiss her good night and then she tells us to lock the door (which is on the outside for when we need to keep her in there, which doesn't usually happen) and shut it behind us. That was pretty funny when she started that. WELL, once we brought Jason home she decided that it was time to start putting herself in bed. She goes to her room, doesn't let us in, and then locks the door, kisses us through the crack of the door and shuts it on her own to then get in bed all by herself! Precious! She is growing up too fast. 

We haven't been in the car too much, but when we have she has gotten better about fussing for her movie and her juice. It used to drive me crazy! And I'm sure it will return, but for now, it seems that if she asks once and I tell her no (for the movie) or that she is out of juice then she just takes it for that and moves on. Guess she knows she needs to be a good example for her baby brother!

She is so good at helping Mommy take care of her baby brother. If it's time to change his diaper, and that seems to be all of the time, she runs as fast as she can to his room to help. She hands me the diaper every time and then puts the dirty one in the trash. And she HAS to do it! I don't mind though, it's so cute!

Jason is growing himself! He is so sweet, isn't that nose just precious?! I think so! 

Nothing gets past this girl. She picks up on everything! This was last night when she was talking to Jason. She was telling him that it was time to go. Notice, she has all of her necessities. She knows Mommy always has her bottle of water, phone, purse and baby!

And when it came time to take the baby on a stroll in the back yard, once again she knew what she needed. Her water bottle and...

of course her phone in the canopy of the stroller!

She also learned how to pedal her tricycle yesterday! No pictures yet, but I'm sure there will be many bike riding pictures in the future. She loves to ride!

She starts "school" next week. I'm anxious to see how she will do. She will be there Tuesday and Thursday mornings and has several friends in her class. I was nervous to sign her up, but the way that she has taken to all of the new changes in our house lately I think she will do great!


Margaret said...

Precious babies. AM is awesome! Simms started preschool a few hours a week after cope was born and loved the interaction with the other children her age. AM will too. And Jason-well he's just beautiful.

Brittny said...

Love it!!!! She cracks me up! Can't wait to see y'all again!