Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jason is 6 months!

It is so hard to believe that my baby boy is already 6 months old! He is just the sweetest thing. I know I keep saying that but he truly is. He is just so happy! We went for his 6 month check up on Tuesday. This big boy really IS getting big. He was 19 pounds and 26. 75 inches long. He has certainly jumped up in each of the categories from where he started. If you remember, he was always in the bottom 25% in those categories but now he is 75% for weight, 50% for height and his weight for height is 90%!! I find these numbers so interesting when compared to AM's. She was 18.3 pounds and 27 inches...both of those were 90%. Isn't that so interesting how the percentages differ between boys and girls? 

Here is my sweet little man in the waiting room. Poor guy had no idea what was coming 
(quite a few shots)

He is really sleeping great and even his naps are starting to be on more a schedule. Luckily the last week or so I've been able to get he and AM to sleep in the afternoon at the same time. This is my time to work out and TRY to get the rest of this weight off. 

My happy boy at Grammie's this week so Mommy and Daddy could go the basketball game 
(it didn't start until 8 pm so we couldn't take the littles)

I love this boy so much. He is so full of smiles all of the time. He still loves his jumper. He loves to eat...FOOD. (Although I did try to give him green beans for the first time and that was the first time something didn't go over so well) He is still in love with his sister and with Mollie. I think he is really starting to look like AM. I need to take some more pictures of him and then do a comparison post with pictures of each of them at 6 months. We'll see when that happens! (As you've noticed, I'm not the most motivated blogger, hehe)

Love you Jason!

1 comment:

Brittny said...

Maybe I just need to have you have a third child for me. Your kiddos are so sweet and good and happy. : ) I want both of them. I love them so much! I went back to see AM's 6 month post and they do look similar! Except she has hair. Not much, but it's brown. Love your kids!!!