Monday, February 7, 2011

A Weekend at Home

We didn't do much this weekend other than relax and hang out at the house. Here are a few pictures.

I know you probably (ok, you don't) care to see this, but I made twice baked potatoes last night with our Super Bowl meal and I just had to take a picture of her miniature spud. For some reason, it was too cute to me!

Earlier in the day on Sunday I was up in the attic and found a box of clothes that my sister gave me for AM that I didn't even remember. I'm glad I saw it when I did b/c it is all of the clothes for her size now, particularly this spring and summer. There was soooo much in there. I wish I had taken pictures while AM and I were looking at everything b/c she went through every single item and commented on them. I felt like I had gone on a huge shopping spree. What a great surprise! Thanks Brittny! After we tried on several outfits, it was time to play with her hair. She doesn't cooperate with this very much but we couldn't resist.

Here is her first ponytail!

She looks like such a big girl!

Then it was time for pigtails, ha! I think she looks so much like me in this picture. At least pictures of me when I was little.

There is a video I've been trying to upload all day that won't load. I'll try again on a separate post. I've literally been trying for about 4-5 hours!


Ames said...

Oh my word. Please put pigtails in your child's hair every day. :) Sooo cute!

2 other things: I did not appreciate the spud picture only because it really made me crave a cheesey twice baked potato -- good job, Jenny! :-P Secondly, can I ask where you found the cutey owl/tree stickers (are those stickers?) on her wall? I have a friend who's obsessed with owls and she would LOVE those!

The Olives said...

Could she get any CUTER!!! AHHH! Love it! And are too sweet!! I don't feel too gorgeous!! You are so right about looking like you are 25 weeks when you are only 16 weeks. I was hoping I was going to look like I do now at 25 weeks!! HA! The doctor is letting us take a peek early if the tech isn't busy so hopefully we will find out!!!!! I am so excited!! I can't wait to find out what you are having!!!! So crazy that we are so close with our babies again! Oh, and you have to try the Golden Flake brand of S&V, they are so good!!!

Brittny said...

hahahaha!!!!!! I love the hair pics! It's funny because of all the granddaughters (there are 5 total) Sophie is the only one with curly hair and her pony/pigtails curl up tight. If it helps, you can always tell her Sophie (or name another little girl she knows) wears her hair like that. I got Sophie to let me put something in her hair because I told her numerous times AM does it. I love the stuff you put on the walls by her table too. Where did you get it? It looks like PBK. And where in the house is that? So cute!!!!