Last week the Howell house was under the weather. It started with Jason seeming like he had a cold on Friday/Saturday. Sunday night AM woke us up with a scalding hot fever, she was weak and couldn't breathe very well. We ended up in the ER, everything was fine (well at least nothing major was wrong). After 2 days of breathing really fast and heavy and a fever that would not break we went to the pediatrician Tuesday and found out that she has brochiolitis which was caused by a virus. She had to do a breathing treatment in the office and was prescribed one to do at home every several hours. She seems to be doing great now but last week was horrible. Jason seemed to get better and never really got that bad. Just a few doses of Tylenol and he was ok. Thank goodness! We're still having to do her treatments- and she still obviously needs them, but her spirits are back to normal and for that this mommy is thankful! It's so hard to see your babies not feeling well.
Saturday we were so excited to see some sunshine and spent a little time in the back yard.
AM still loves to play golf and is getting pretty good at her swing and making contact with the ball. She and Trey like to hit tennis balls for Mollie to chase.
Sweet Jason, he will be 6 months old on Thursday!
Not sure if you can tell, but she lost some weight when she was sick.
She can hardly keep her pants up!
SO happy to be outside!
My child who never wants her picture taken actually said to me right before this
"Take my picture, Mommy! Over here! This side!"
Then she wanted to help Daddy pull some weeds. She was really good at it too. She even knew to pull of the root of the weed! This is going to really come in handy :)
Jason is trying so hard to crawl. He knows that he wants to move, and in more than just the circle that he turns himself in, he just can't figure it out. Here's a video!
We went to Pike Road yesterday afternoon. We left AM and Jason with Gic and Chelsi while Trey and I took Mollie duck hunting. Well, maybe I should rephrase that. Trey and Mollie took me hunting. I've never been duck hunting before. And the only thing I shot was the camera. That is for another post, I took about 400 pictures so I need to sort through them but it is definitely worthy of a post. It was a lot of fun and so cool to see Mollie doing what is her natural instinct. Remember she is an on-the-couch, sleep-on-the-pillows-on-the-bed kind of dog, not your typical hunting dog!
We have a SUPER DUPER busy week ahead and that is not such a bad thing since we were cooped up all week last week. The weather is supposed to be PER-FECT and I plan on spending LOTS of time outside with the kids and Mollie.