Thursday, May 28, 2009


This past weekend, I took Mollie and Beasley to my parents house at the lake while Trey was fishing. I had to work Saturday and Sunday but just drove in from the lake. I was a little hesitant to take them as it was the first time Beasley has been "set free" since his ordeal began. To cut to the chase, he did GREAT!! I can't even begin to tell you how happy it made me to see him running around, jumping off of the dock and swimming as normal. I had a feeling that being around all of his "cousins" and in his favorite place ever that he may perk up and do well, but I was still nervous. You see, the dogs go absolutely crazy when they are up there. I love that. I believe it was just the therapy he needed. Ever since we've been home he's back to normal, he doesn't even limp anymore!!! This morning we went on a good, long walk around campus and went full speed. You have no idea what a weight this has lifted off of my shoulders. It was great to see my parents and as a bonus, my brother, sister-in-law and their two boys and dogs were there too! It was so much fun to see everyone.

After work tomorrow we are headed to the beach through Monday. I can't wait! I've been working extra days so I'm looking forward to relaxing for a couple of days. It won't be long and I won't be able to do that for quite a while. (Which by the way I can't wait for that) Trey and I have been going to a Childbirth Preparation Class on Tuesday nights. It's interesting to say the least!! I'm more nervous now than I was before I started but I just have to keep reminding myself that women have been giving birth for centuries so I can handle it. Have a good weekend!


Caroline Armstrong said...

I am so glad Beasley is still doing so well!!!!!

Lee Goodwyn said...

I tried to show you how to strike words but it would not let me for some reason. It said my "html couldn't be accepted".... so go to google and type in "striking a word on blog" or something like that and you should be able to see some examples:) Sorry i was no help... i did try though! Hope you are doing well!