So AM has been full of funny peculiarities lately. She is SO particular, and bossy. And she definitely exemplifies "monkey see, monkey do." You better be careful b/c she noticesEVERYTHING that you do. I don't have a whole lot of time, but I've been dying to write some of these down so that I can remember them. I jot notes down on my phone so I can remember them for this, here are some of our favorites: (most of these pictures have nothing to do with this post, just thought I'd throw some in there for fun)
There was no sharing of this Icee!
-a few days ago she was playing kitchen and dropped everything to go into my purse, grab a wet wipe and then wiped down her shopping cart! I just stood there and tried to keep it together. I am obsessive about wiping down the shopping cart with Clorox wipes so I guess she has noticed!
-For a while now she has to be involved with my after-shower routine and copies everything I do. I never really paid attention to how routine I do everything and am so particular about the way I even put on my face lotion. Well she wants to put it on the exact same way. She knows. She dabs one cheek and then the other and you MUST let her do it! One day she (the first time she did this) caught me so off guard b/c the first thing I do after getting out and drying off is grabbing Q-tips and then I turn around and throw them in the trash can. Well she immediately pointed me to the Q-tips when I got out and then took me to the trash can to throw them away!! She also loves holding the deodorant and acting like she is putting it on. In fact she loves this part so much that I have to keep it on the counter now instead of in the drawer where she can get to it.
-A few days ago when it was time to get out of bed, Trey got up to get ready for work and we go into the kitchen to get coffee and breakfast ready to send him off. Well, right when he sat up, she told him to go "tee-tee" b/c she knows he/we always go right when we get up! Too funny!
-She has had an awful cough at night for a couple of months now. It's due to allergies. So at night when she gets into bed, I grab the Vicks VapoRub and put some on her chest and it really helps her sleep better. Lately, I have to try to hold it together b/c by the time that I turn around to put it on her chest, she is already pulling the neck of her shirt down. Y'all, I just wish you could see this. Once she gets into bed she immediately pulls the neck down and she waitsso patiently. It makes me laugh every night.
-She likes to copy Mommy with arm weights. Whatever I do, she does. And she gets the biggest kick out of herself when she does it.
-Our favorite right now is saying the blessing. Right when we sit down she immediately has to hold hands, bows her head and waits for the blessing. She has even said "Amen" lately. Often, she wants to say it several times throughout the meal too...and you better do it!
-A couple of weeks ago she started freaking out in the car when Trey was driving. We realized that she was telling him to put his seatbelt on! Once he did, she clapped and was so happy. She gets him every time. This makes Mommy happy, I don't like it when Daddy doesn't wear his seatbelt. Lately she tells me to put mine on too before I even try to back out of the driveway. She doesn't like it if I sit in the driveway and make my list before putting it on. I just thought this was so amazing since the motion of putting on a seatbelt is really not visible to her since she is directly behind the driver seat. That's my girl though, I've always been a seatbelt stickler!
-Oh, back to the bathroom, now she is obsessed with "washing" her face. She wants to stand up at the sink or sit on the stool in our bathroom and splash water on her face like Mommy and Daddy do when they wash their faces. You have to make her stop. She has a little too much fun with it. :)
-Not that this is something she copies, but it's so cute. She has to say bye to everything in the car when we get out or when she is headed to bed. She says "bye juice, bye baby, bye shoes, bye "B" (that's her life size golden retriever she is completely and utterly obsessed with), bye "whatever you insert here"...I laugh at the things she thinks to say bye to. When it's time to go to bed she'll either say "bye" or "nite nite" to these things.
Baby HAD to come to swimming lessons with us this morning.
I always let AM press the button to open the doors on the way in,
well this morning Baby pushed all of the buttons! :)
-She sometimes "struggles" to get her baby dolls to cooperate and sit still in the stroller. haha! I'm NOT kidding! She'll put them in there, huff and puff, pick them up and tell them to sit still! Then she will put them back in a strap them in. If they aren't ready to sit still, she'll pick them up and pat them on the back or rock them and try again. Last night she strolled one of the babies into the living room where we were watching the Auburn baseball game and had her watch the game with her. When the crowd cheered, she would clap the baby's hands and cheer!
Needless to say, this girl is always entertaining. She is finally watching something other than Praise Baby DVD's. That is only in the last week or two. She LOVES Clifford! This makes me so happy. Not that Praise Baby isn't a wonderful thing to watch and listen to, but after almost 2 years, it's nice to have something different and she will actually watch a cartoon these days.
Finally, here is a picture of her new storage in the playroom. She has done surprisingly well at keeping it neat. She understands most of the time about putting her toys away.
I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Easter weekend. We are planning on going to the city Easter Egg Hunt at Kiesel Park tomorrow, we should get some good pictures. I'm really looking forward to the service at church on Sunday! Have a great one!
*I hope you didn't get too lost in this post that was all over the place! :)