Friday, July 15, 2011

2 Year Check-Up

Our little munchkin isn't so little! We went for her 2 year check-up yesterday and it's confirmed that she's a big girl, haha! She didn't necessarily act like one though. She was terrified and I can only assume that it's b/c the last time she was in a doctor's setting she was getting her nose stitched up. I don't know, it was awful. And embarrassing. She didn't even have to get shots but you would have thought they were operating on her!

She weighs 35 pounds and is 37 inches tall. Both are above 97%!!! 
Her head circumference is 19 inches (I think). 

Y'all I promise you that she survives on milk and V8 Fusion. She doesn't eat, although the last few days she has, thankfully! Most people would assume with stats like that she eats a lot. Not so much.  

I just thought I would throw in some pictures to make this more interesting :)
This little girl LOVES to color/draw!

On another note, I'm sure you're wondering about the blog going private. I am still putting it off (typical). I have all of your email addresses if you have sent them to me, but I have changed a few settings on the blog and I'm going to monitor some things before deciding to make the switch.

In baby news, I'm just trying my best to hold on a couple more weeks. To say that I am ready would be a major understatement. I am looking forward to next week though b/c my aunt and two of my cousins are coming to the lake and it's been years since we've seen them! At least that gives me something to look forward to.

Have a great weekend! Looks like MORE rain. 


Margaret said...

Jenny-Cope and AM are 2 peas in a pod! He lives on milk and V8 Fusion as well! I went about 2 weeks wout buying the V8, and just started back, and it's hilarious to watch him gulp it down. Rarely takes in much table foods (although I try) and yet he's pushing 31 pounds! She is seriously the cutest girl ever!

Caroline Armstrong said...

I am so happy to see these sweet pictures!
We have so many from the lake and I have not been on the computer yet that I have not had time to sort through them all to post anything yet...but that is my goal tonight:)
We are so glad we were able to see you all and be at AM's birthday party! I am hoping it will be a regular thing since it is in the summer!!!!
cannot wait to see you time with Jason!
love you all

The Young Family said...

Um Carrie and AM are like kindred the charts in size, but living off milk. Unreal! Carrie will eat one week and then not the next. Meal time is not my favorite, but they are obviously healthy! She is beautiful!!