Sunday, August 30, 2009


When Trey and I got up this morning at the lake we found Beasley hiding behind a bush,BLEEDING and unable to get up. I had woken up around 6:30 this morning to let all of the dogs out and feed them. About 9:30 we got up and went outside to see what they were up to. Trey called all of them and everyone but Beasley came. At first he said "Beasley's gone, he must have run off!" I told him there was no way. There is too much fun for him around the house. They never run off anymore, years ago they would but they don't anymore. Eventually we found him on the side of the house. It was the saddest thing. Poor baby was right there the whole time we were calling for him but he couldn't come to us. We called the vet and he met us in Montgomery.

There are two puncture wounds, looks like an entry and an exit. We aren't really sure what the cause is. He was definitely in shock when we got there. Once they got an IV running with some fluids and pain medicine flowing he looked much better. His tongue and gums got color back and his blood was brighter which is great. (as you can see in the picture he must have been feeling better too, he was able to sit up and in typical Beasley fashion he had a big smile on his face) Dr. Golden said they were going to watch him and once he was more stable they would sedate him to do some x-rays and figure out what is going on. The only causes we can think of are a gunshot or a puncture of some sort. I can't imagine him being shot, we didn't hear anything but it looks the most likely cause, just doesn't add up. We'll know more tomorrow hopefully. Please say a prayer for him, bless his heart he was just getting over the other injury. I hope he doesn't have to stay there very long. Guess his lake time will be cut into once again.

1 comment:

carolineo said...

Im worried about Beasley! Keep the updates coming...