The title pretty much sums things up these days. AM has done really well without the paci, it has almost been 2 weeks. She doesn't even think about it in the car, she hasn't had it for bedtime once since last Wednesday but it takes much longer to get her to bed, but she does get it for nap time. If she didn't get it she wouldn't take a nap at all. Even though I give it to her then, she still isn't napping well. There are two villains she's facing: an ear infection and teething. My goodness I feel so awful for her. She is so tired, and in so. much. pain.
The first two teeth didn't seem to be a problem at all but these top teeth are wretched.
I don't think she really misses the paci. In fact I tried to give it to her yesterday when we were coming back from Montgomery and she didn't want anything to do with it. Another time I tried she just wanted to play with it and put it in my mouth, not hers. I wasn't going to give in but she is in so much pain I thought it might help. If she will decide to take it we may just forego the attempt for a little longer.
Yesterday she didn't let me leave her in the nursery at church and this afternoon when I finally got her calmed down in the child care center at the gym a little while later they came to get me. They said she would play and be fine and then just lose it a minute later. That continued for about 45 minutes before they came to get me. Poor baby. Please pray for her. I hope that her ears feel better soon and those blasted teeth finally make their appearance.
(I've been trying to take some pictures of her but she refuses to look at the camera these days. Not only does she not look at it, she looks the opposite direction!)